How to solve the water leakage parts of the pump

Sometimes we use the pump when there will be water leakage situation, when we met when we should do?

1, the pump seal leakage, the ring due to long-term use of loss of flexibility, then you can remove the seal, and then find a zero to 0.5 mm thick paper or cloth cut into a slightly larger than the original seal To the groove, and finally put the original seal.

2, nylon seal inside the rubber seal wear caused by leakage, the seal can be removed, and then exchange the location of the installation, such as seals on the fastening spring to lose elasticity or fracture, with a suitable diameter wire or wire tie.

3, the pump oil hole rubber seal damage, can find a piece of tape, cut into slightly larger than the hole of the bolt, plus the upper pad, together with the bolt into the oil hole.

4, sealed box and cast iron seal between the loss of elasticity, the seal can be removed from the cast iron tank, looking for a thick 0.6 to 1 mm hard cardboard cut into the same size, pad in the tank, and then sealed Circle into the pump can easily solve the water leakage.

The above is for everyone to introduce the knowledge of the pump, and hope to help you, more exciting information, welcome to your attention to our website.

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